Air separation

We offer two types of plants for the production of nitrogen from atmospheric air:
These plants incorporate membrane air separation modules.
The standard limiting purity grade (in a single-stage plant) of the product nitrogen is N2 concentration of 99,95 vol.%
Nitrogen membrane air separation plants
Operation of adsorption plants is based on selective absorption of air components by molecular adsorbents in the process of pressure swing adsorption.
PSA nitrogen generators
The standard limiting purity grade (in a single-stage plant) of the product nitrogen is N2 concentration up to 99,999 vol.%
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Product and equipment suitable for air separation
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Our Contact Details
Please write or call us, we shall provide our recommendations on any issue.
107023, Moscow,
Per. Mazhorov, 8, Bld. 2
107023, Москва, пер. Мажоров, д. 8, стр. 2
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